Ritual Drop

**Ritual Drop**

What is Drop?

Drop is the collection of sensations and physical response to an event or situation being over. Drop can happen to anyone and is unique to each person and situation. It can happen after any event that involves either strong emotion or an energy exchange. Some examples of drop are after a hectic holiday all you want to do is sleep even though you did lots of that already, after a family event and you need time alone because you are “just done”. It can also happen after a strong meditation, spell or ritual.

During these times we get into deep contact with our spirit and energy. This can give us a high feeling during it. But what happens when we are done? We have to realign our self to our earthy awareness, sensations and perceptions. This is actually why I rarely schedule anything after larger or more intense workings. And why when I do cleansings or other work for others, I try to space them out. Well scientifically when doing any of these things our body floods us with a verity of hormones and a chemical stew. Afterwards we have all this still in our physical bodies and it a while for it to be processed. Energetically when we do these things our vibration shift, our energies/spirit is flooded with other inputs sometimes drastically shifting them.

Drop can happen right afterwards, or up to a week or so afterwards.

Both physical and energetic drop can at the same time. The physical and emotional manifestations of these can be very similar.

Symptoms Of Drop 

Some of the symptoms of drop are as follows. Drastic emotion swings; from rage to sadness, joy to sorrow. Brain fog and hyper-focus or no focus, as well as vivid memory recall. Appetite changes and strong cravings. Body shakes, aches, pains and circulation changes. As you can see without understanding these things; and being prepared for the possible side effects; drop can cause serious issues. Any mental or physical illnesses can feel worse or happen more.

How to limit the chances of drop. 

Proper preparation can make a huge difference in the chances of experiencing drop. And can reduce length and severity of drop symptoms. Here are some things you can do to prepare for a big ritual or event.

1) Hydration Hydration Hydration. Before during and after the working make sure you are well hydrated. If it is a big ritual or event working on hydration a few days before hand can help.

2) Avoid a lot of sugar and processed foods. A few days or a week before watching what you take into your body can be a big help. Sugar and processed foods make our liver and kidneys work harder. As such our body chemistry is filled with drastic highs and lows. Think of this as a leveling out and rest before things get going.

3) Get what rest you can. Try to get enough rest the few days before. You are going to be using and in contact with a lot of energy and managing that takes work. Your mind, and body need to be as rested as possible to be better able to handle that

4) Make sure that you know the plan for the ritual or event beforehand. Sudden plan changes and surprises can be fun; however, they can be draining.

For during and after the Ritual

1) Have a safe place to relax and come back to yourself slowly. Have music if you like, somewhere you can sit or lay comfortably where nothing will disturb you until you are ready.

2) Have hydration and snacks (what each person uses for this is different. I like milk chocolate, dried fruits, and cool water.)

3) Have downtime after planned.

4) Do so basic grounding afterwards and engage your 5 physical senses.

5) Have something warm, soft and/or comfy ready to wrap up in. After a large energy exchange, which is what magick is; you can feel chilled. And let’s face it getting comfy after any type of work is so nice.

The biggest thing to know is that drop happens, and it is more common than people realize. Be kind to yourself, get support from those you trust. The best thing you can do during drop is accept it, allow yourself to process it and know that you are not alone.

Article by Midnyte Scott

Girl in warm cozy blanket. Vector hand-drawn illustration

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